Thailand And The World


Interesting Notes, Thailand And The World 

Keep coming back here to read about interesting things  happening in Thailand and the world. Not all the reports here relate to Thailand and not all of them are current and news savvy - just interesting stuff with zero reference to politics. This is the leisure section of Saw2day so, we got it light and sometimes entertaining, not brain wrecking content. When reading any report on this website related to health, please remember that the report is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. While we would be glad if you shared the link of any content on Saw2day with your friends and family, please do so only if you feel that it would be of use or of interest to them!

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chantaburi temple thailand wat khao chawang

A highly respected temple in Thailand, Wat Khao Chawang is located on a forested hill in Chantaburi Thailand. The superb display of wooden carvings can be seen, all over this Thai temple. Best to have your own transport when moving around doing sightseeing in Thailand. Check out more details at ... more

digital art modern

Digital art can deliver a range of art forms, you could learn and teach the AI driven algorithms to 'paint' a picture of a landscape, you can also get digital art to execute a modern art exhibit. Digital art is an art form on its own. But we might see a hybrid fusion of digital and conventional art in the near future. Read the report ... more

thailand hot summers, health and travel

Most parts of Thailand are hot for a major portion of the year! But Thai summers can be punishing, hot and humid a typical summer day in Thailand can drain your energy and even result in dehydration and more severe conditions. The clothes you wear, the time of the day when you move around and even the food you eat - might all need to be adjusted during summer months in Thailand. Kaisilver the leading online high end custom made jewelry provider, has compiled this report for your reference. Please take care and share the information with your friends and family. Have a wonderful stay ... more

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