Ayuthaya Wat Maheyong


Wat Maheyong Ayuthaya Temple 

As you go around the world famous temple ruins in Ayuthaya Thailand, you are likely to miss one important temple in the province - Wat Maheyong, this temple is about 5km away from the main tourist circuit. Located about 5km away from the Wat Mahathat, the Wat Maheyong Thai temple is less crowded and appears to be in a better condition than the other popular temple ruins in Ayuthaya Thailand.

wat maheyong thailand ayuthaya
temple ruins ayuthaya thailaland

There is a long walkway which goes around the main portions of Wat Maheyong in Ayuthaya. The Chedi and Ordination Hall Are the highlights of this temple in Ayuthaya temple. A spectacular feature of the Chedi at this ancient Thai temple is the, sculpture of 80 elephants that support the platform holding the Chedi. The Ordination Hall is the other attraction of the Wat Maheyong temple in Ayuthaya Thailand.

old temple thailand ayuthaya wat maheyong
wat mahe yong temple in ayuthaya thailand

There is an active monestary on the premises of Wat Maheyong. While you should avoid making a noise and ensure that, you are appropriately dressed when entering a temple premises - the presence of the monestary and a retreat for Thai monks, makes it even more important to conduct yourself well.

ancient ruins in thailand at ayuthaya
wat maheyong temple ayuthaya thailand

Just a note about some terminology used to describe the temple ruins in Ayuthaya Thailand. The main area that has the major temple ruins in Ayuthaya are right on a main road. The entire area that those ruins occupy is massive. You have some motor cycles and tuk-tuks for transpansport - but it always helps to have your own vehicle when visiting such places in Thailand. The Wat Maheyong that we are talking about in this report, is also referred to as temple ruins and it is also in Ayuthaya. However this ancient Thai temple is away from the main cluster of temple ruins - about 5km away, It would be tough to manage without having transport for yourself. So keep this in mind and do not get confused with the terminilogy related to temple ruins of Ayuthaya. You are unlikely to find someone selling drinking water or something to eat, around Wat Maheyong unless, there is some temple festival going on. 

wat maheyong temple in thailand ayuthaya
old temple thailaand wat maheyong

A visit to Wat Maheyong in Ayuthaya is worth a visit but, you will need your own transport. The weather could be hot for most part of the year, so carry a hat and some drinking water. We have seen a few foreign tourists cycling around in Ayuthaya - a nice idea but, keep in mind that traffic accidents in Thailand are quite common. If you happen to be travelling in a group, it might be a good idea to work on a deal with a tuk-tuk and have him take you around. There is some bargaining to be done here,  so make sure that you do not settle for an expensive deal. Having said that, it is always good to make sure that the tuk-tuk guy, gets paid fairly!

old temple asia, ayuthaya thailand
thailand temple wat maheyong authuaya


Located just about 80km from Bangkok in Thailand, Ayuthaya has a fascinating history and cultural heritage. It was the second capital of what was then referred to as te Siamese Kingdom, that was before the country was named Thailand. The city was burnt, ransacked and ruined by the Burmese in the 18th century. The ruins today form a global attraction with tourists from across the globe, visiting the famous ruins in Ayuthaya Thailand. The ruins in Ayuthaya are now designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. 

A number of historic temples in Ayuthaya, the Wat Mahathat Thai temple has the famous spectacle of, a Buddha (statue) head, stuck in the roots of a tree. You also have a couple of museums in Ayuthaya worth visiting and so is the Bang Pa In Palace. Be dressed appropriately when visiting any of these locations, especially the temples and the palace. 

When looking for hotels and other forms of accommodation in Ayuthaya, keep a few things in mind. You have a range of hotels from the budget, mid-category and luxury to choose from. Guest houses and homestays are other popular forms of accommodations. There is a river running through Ayuthaya and accommodation that has a clear river view is a nice experience. It might be a good idea to check just how far, your accommodation would be from the nearest department store, supermarket or 7eleven convenience store. These factors gain more importance if, you plan to travel on a modest budget.

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